Taking a Stand Against Air Pollution

Taking a Stand Against Air Pollution

Three Common Mistakes People Make When Placing A Dumpster Rental And How You Can Avoid These Mistakes

Samantha Nelson

After renting a dumpster rental, it is important to take the time to carefully think about your options for placing the dumpster on your property. People often make mistakes when it comes to placing their dumpster. Here are three common mistakes that are made and what you can do to avoid these mistakes. 

Not Thinking About Your Vehicle

One of the mistakes that people make when it comes to placing a dumpster rental is not thinking about their vehicle. They may place a dumpster rental in the driveway, but fail to think about how they are going to get their car that is currently in the garage out. Or you may place your dumpster in the driveway and not think about where you can park your car until the dumpster is gone. Carefully think about the positioning of the dumpster and how it may impact your ability to use your garage or park your car. 

Damaging Your Lawn With a Dumpster

Another place where people may have a dumpster rental placed is in their yard. If you do not have a driveway or you are using the dumpster to hold rocks or tree limbs from a landscaping project, you may place the dumpster in your yard. However, placing a dumpster directly on your lawn can lead to damage. Consider using plywood boards to help protect your landscaping as much as possible and to prevent the dumpster from sinking into the ground. 

Not Learning About City, County, or HOA Dumpster Ordinances

The final mistake that people make when it comes to placing a dumpster rental is not learning about city, county, or HOA ordinances. You may be thinking about positioning the dumpster in front of your home. However, in some areas, you have to have a permit to do so. If you fail to get the permits, you can be fined. Likewise, your HOA may limit where you can place a dumpster on your property and how long the dumpster can be in place. Failing to follow these rules can lead to you receiving a warning or fine. 

The place you decide to position a dumpster rental impacts your ability to potentially park your vehicle, can damage your yard, or can lead to you being fined by the city or county you reside in or by your HOA. As such, it is important to take your time and carefully think about the best place to put the dumpster. Contact a dumpster rental company today to book an appointment for your dumpster rental to be dropped off at your home or business. 


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Taking a Stand Against Air Pollution

Air pollution is an ever-growing concern that can have detrimental effects on your health and the environment. There are numerous pollutants in the air that you may or may not be aware of and we'll address them in this blog. We believe that everyone should have the ability to breathe clean air, so we did a lot of research to find out the causes of air pollution and how we can help. The articles on this site will give you crucial information about various types of air pollutants including carbon monoxide, lead, and nitrogen dioxide. We also write blog posts about indoor air quality and how you can make your home safer. We hope to teach you the importance of clean air and you can bookmark this site to stay updated about air pollutants and the environment.
